Tempest Weather System by WeatherFlow
WeatherFlow Tempest
In my research, I came across the WeatherFlow Tempest weather station. While it looked to have less weather instruments (looking more like a creation from Apple) than other similarly-priced weather stations , it actually had all the robust features one comes to expect in a full weather station. While, there are less moving parts (spinning wind cups, no rain cup to empty, solar powered so no wires or batteries), this design appears to be a lower maintenance small high quality elegant package. The small size and elegant design make it easier to place and easier on the eye.
If you garden, own a pool, plan yard work or an event nearby today or in the near future, knowing weather can help you plan intelligently. Knowing when a freeze is pending that can destroy flowering plants or vegetables in a garden or a storm that can threaten life and property, having advanced intelligence for your unique location is just an intelligent decision. The accompanying app provides 10- day forecasts, with hourly details on each of the ten days, including forecast of temp, rain probability, wind speed, sunrise and sunset times and the forecasted high and low temp for that particular day. Yes, there are other apps that do some of this, but not in your unique location. Some folks who live in micro-climate locations and having this intelligence is very useful.
One may find it hard to make the decision on the cost, but what is the cost of replacing your garden and flowering plants, vegetable garden or having property destroyed by storms? With warnings of lightning strikes in the area, it can also help keep you and your family safe. This unit also employs Nearcast Technology , using artificial intelligence leveraging data from other nearby WeatherFlow Tempest units (WeatherFlow Tempest Owners) as well as other sources listed above.
The WeatherFlow Tempest also can integrate with other smart appliances such as Amazon Alexa, the Google smart home and other smart home appliances such as your home thermostat or Rachio, an Intelligent Sprinkler System which can control watering your yard.
So, what are you waiting for? Make the decision to invest in a Tempest weather station and join all the thousands of others who have also made the wise decision and maybe you can become a weather geek as well!
Nearcast Technology™
The Tempest Weather System is far more than just a cutting-edge piece of hardware. Each Tempest leverages WeatherFlow-Tempest’s patented Nearcast™ Technology - a layered solution that includes:
Better Observational Data. In addition to our Tempest Network, we ingest a massive amount of data from all conceivable sources, including satellites, radars, government surface networks and weather-equipped aircraft, as well as other private sources. Curated and standardized by our team of meteorologists and atmospheric and data scientists, there is no better input to a weather data system.
Better Modeling. Our AI-based weather modeling combines unique data assimilation, numerical modeling and machine learning. Our team of atmospheric and data scientists source the best available models from the major national weather services, including from the US and Europe. Initialized with our curated data sets, we also run our own high-resolution physics-based numerical weather forecasts. We train our AI-based output models to produce precise point-specific forecasts informed by the observations. The result is the best conceivable weather information available.
WeatherFlow Weather Accessories
The Weatherflow WEATHERmeter is a highly accurate miniature weather device that connects wirelessly via bluetooth to your smartphone up to 100 feet away.
Using the free “Wind and Weather App”on your smartphone, you can collect real-time wind, temperature, humidity and pressure readings, displayed in the app and share it with anyone!