You can make all the difference.
Your donations can make a world of difference in funding content that helps viewers successfully feed birds responsibly and optimally in their own backyards. This project results in providing safe and healthy refuges for our precious birds and wildlife. Each backyard can make a difference in the survival and sustainability of our birds, wildlife and pollinators. Nature is a balance and our efforts here at this channel are to help maintain that balance. This website and its companion YouTube channel have expert moderators on hand 24/7 to help answer questions. Donations are very much appreciated to continue to provide this level of content. Thanks for your consideration!
Bird Identification Videos
Most people find it helpful to learn their birds by actually viewing the bird instead of learning them from a book. These videos allow one to view the birds and as the bird arrives, it is labeled. This allows for quicker learning not only of the birds but their juveniles or in states of molting, where identification is sometimes more difficult. One can also observe what they eat and their behavior around similar or different species. Not only does this website have seven of these videos, but also a downloadable PDF that has pictures and bird names. If the PDF is left open, it has links to even more information.
Feeder Discussions, Tips and Strategies
This website hosts a large number of feeder talks, tours, food discussions and feeding strategies that can be useful to viewers just starting out to veterans who have been feeding birds or wildlife for years. This content is produced solely by Ken Little, leveraging his experience. The website mantra is Explore, Learn, Observe and Share, which is what Ken does in both video and through this website and blogs to bring you a wealth of information, produced at his own expense. Donations are very much appreciated to help him offset costs he incurs personally as a retiree.
24/7 Live Bird and Wildlife Cams
This all started with Ken feeding birds from his deck and was forced to move it to his backyard. He consulted with a friend and after about $4,000 investment in cams, related computer hardware, software, feeder pole, feeders, and continuing investment in landscaping the backyard refuge to continue to attract and maintain birds, the cams flickered on on Halloween of 2019. Since then, he continues to improve his setup, taking his viewers along with him to demonstrate what optimally works and what is less effective. He continues to fund about $300 per month in bird food from his retiree budget. Donations are very much appreciated as well as purchases of equipment and food from his Amazon links on the channel, of which as an Amazon affiliate partner, he gets a small percentage.