Faith-based Feeder Talks
What is a faith-based feeder talk?
Most every day, while Ken is out refilling his feeders, he talks about the current state of the feeders, what he is doing at the moment to service his feeders, weaves in his thoughts on the state of his feeding strategy and what his current plans may be. On occasion, he decides to witness, sharing with us some of the thoughts about his faith in Jesus Christ, his personal journey, the Good News of the gospels and how Jesus can make a difference in your life. While one of his projects as part of his effort toward the Great Commission has been to establish the Swordnotes website that he developed over 12 years ago, he also feels that maybe there is room for additional information through discussions of the advantages of giving your life to Christ and developing a relationship with Him. He considers this a feeding of the soul, something that needs to be done and thought about most every day. He is also in the process of developing Bible Study Summary maps on this website to help give overviews of the books of the Bible. Below are some of these videos are these feeder witnessing events. The plan is to add videos over time, so stay tuned and check back often!
October 2024 Feeder Witness Talk - Daily Habits
March 2024 Feeder Witness Talk - Easter Edition
January 2024 Feeder Witness Talk - The Ten Commandments
February 2022 Feeder Witness Talk