Bird Care & Feeding
Bird Care and Feeding Products - Running a popular YouTube bird feeding station (Alabama Bird Feeding Channel ) affords me the opportunity to experiment with a lot of different products over the years, some good, some not so good and some great! As such, I thought that it would be helpful to present a curated list of the products that I prefer to use or have researched and found to be good performers. Using these products might be helpful in you not replicating my mistakes using other products, as it’s always good to learn from others’ mistakes.
Most all of them are from Amazon, that each include hundreds of reviews to ensure that the product you are purchasing is right for your particular application. Some of the products are for feeder maintenance or are related to running fountains around your feeder.
Full disclosure - As an Amazon Affiliate partner, I receive a small percentage of each sale from an Amazon product, which helps fund the channel.. All products listed are at Amazon prices.
Feeders/Feeder Poles/Baffles
These are some feeders and feeder poles that I have had success with at the Alabama Feeder Station. Not all are in use at one time, but rotated out as seasons change and feeding needs change. These are good investments as they are well-engineered products.