Bible Study Summary Maps
What in the world is a Bible Summary Map? It is a one-page summary map of a topic in a “mind map” format, which uses keywords for better associative thinking and memory. Think of it like a summary outline, but in more of a free-form format, that groups ideas into topics and then subtopics, leveraging colors to enhance visual memory.
I sure wish that I had discovered the mind map concept of taking notes in high school. It would have saved me valuable time studying in college. I discovered it during my working life years. I used this technique for a 5-day Income Property Taxation course to study for a 4-hour test at the end of the 5 days. My peers sitting next to me thought I was crazy, as I had about 6 colored pens and appeared to be drawing instead of taking notes. I was drawing my maps. I only had five single-page maps to use to study for the test. I made an 88 on that test!
Why spend time telling you all this? Remember that this is a website for learning. The website mantra is Explore, Observe, Learn & Share.” I love to pass along helpful tips. The Bible is composed of 66 books and is such a great project to map to help get that 50,000-foot forest view before examining each tree and it’s leaves and bark. I have been through numerous mind map programs over the years. Each has its own characteristics that I like and some that need work.
Currently, I am using X-Mind. Some of these maps have context notes underneath the key word. If you would like a copy of the map, let me know. But you would have to have purchased X-Mind to open it. Otherwise, I hope the maps, which I exported in Adobe PDF format work for you. Once opened, most browsers will allow you to save the PDF file, typically indicated with a downwards arrow with a line under it. Sometimes when they are printed, the components of the maps are too small to read. Apologies, as this was for my personal use and study. However, like all things that I learn, I try to share.
This study, as with all the other interests that I harbor, is a work in progress. I plan to add more maps as I read. I hope it is helpful in your journey reading and studying your Bible. His Word is a lamp for our feet, a light on our paths. (Psalm 119:105)
The Bible
I highly encourage you that if you like the summary content of these maps, purchase the books to get the full content and richness of each book. These books are located in my library. One huge resource here is David Pawson’s book: “Unlocking the Bible” which is a great addition to anyone’s personal Bible study library. Additionally, purchases made from these links help fund the content on this website and YouTube channel and are greatly appreciated!