Coffee, Tea & Supplements
For those that enjoy the benefits and experience of good coffee. Life is too short not to enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea!
Perfect size for the double Lungo Espresso from the Creatista Nespresso maker and fits perfect with the Outln portable espresso machine.
Perfect for a single shot espresso from the Creatista or a single Lungo. Also perfect size for the Outln portable espresso maker.
I’ve lost 25 lbs. over 5 months (without exercise) using this supplement and on a diet that is low sugar and refined carbs as outlined in some of Dr. Gundry’s books. Stop eating breads, pasta and snacks and focus on protein and good low glycemic vegetables and olive oil. Do your research and read some of his books.
Supplements that I enjoy
A healthy creamer alternative for your coffee. Gives energy without sugar and contains prebiotics and fiber for gut biome.
Comes in other flavors. I throw strawberries, walnuts, pre-ground golden flax seed, Inulin Powder, half a banana and some ice into a blender for an energetic breakfast meal.
You may have heard the saying “Take care of your stomach and it will take care of you.” The more research I do about the stomach (which today is called the “gut biome,” ) the more I realize that what we eat, makes a huge difference in our health, energy, immunities and reduction of inflammation in our organs, arteries, tissues and joints.
I found that the way food used to be made (farm-to-table) has been replaced with todays model (factory-to-table) with many bad oils, GMO bioengineered refined grains, chemicals (we can’t pronounce) and loads of sugar and salt to the point we are poisoning ourselves with sugars and refined carbohydrates.
The FDA regulatory body has been hijacked by food and beverage industry who are large donors and even conduct biased research for the FDA. Many of the ingredients in American food is banned in Europe and Canada and probably many more companies. America has become overweight and sick as many of the unhealthy foods in today’s grocery stores are designed to be addictive. Sugars kill off the good bacteria in one’s stomach. leaving us with fewer of the types of bacteria needed to effectively process certain foods, leaving many with stomach issues and foods they can no longer eat.
In conclusion, I’m trying to eat more organic, low glycemic, more protein, low carb and repair my gut biome. As a result, I am losing weight, have more energy and less aches. Hopefully, this is a change in lifestyle and not just a diet.
The FDA is not looking out for us. We have to be our own advocate and do the research into what is best for us as today’s food from the middle of the store is junk. And beware, as now the food producers aim to add chemicals to our food sources, like injections into cows and chickens as they already bioengineer most grains. So DO YOUR RESEARCH, read labels and invest wisely in your health and especially of your kids and grandkids!