EMFs and Your Health


Our home (house or apartment) is our castle, our refuge, our safe space and our comfort zone where we can rest and recharge. For some of us, our home also has a dedicated office area for us to do our work. We think that our home space is also safe from the outside elements that can harm us. We also trust that most all technology that we have in our homes has been rigorously tested to ensure that it is safe to use in our homes. But is it tested as rigorously as we think? What are the standards and who sets these standards? Are the companies who conduct these tests subject to influence? This blog is just to raise awareness by posing questions and providing some resources for you to be able to see if your home is indeed your “Safe Space.”


As most of you know, who subscribe to my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/KenLittle), I am not the spring chicken that I used to be. Retired and in my 60s, I have more time to pursue my interests. Being a lifetime student I have a high level of curiosity that leads me down many paths, most of which I deeply research the subjects that I pursue. Referencing my YouTube channel mantra: “Explore, Observe, Learn & Share,” I like to pass along the tidbits from my research to save you the time and energy of conducting massive amounts of research.

Recently, a family member continued to echo that they experienced headaches almost daily. To me, this is not normal. I realize that this issue could be a number of medical conditions tied to genetics and that we could have doctors diagnose. But in my mind, I think that we as a nation are already WAY overmedicated. Just watch TV for an hour and count how many commercials are from big pharma who now seems to dominate advertising. So, I set out to research what could cause these maladies when in my own home as sometimes this family member doesn’t have headaches when in other environments outside of our home. In this blog, I will not get too deep into the science as it can get complicated fast. But, I will attempt to put forth some links to resources that will allow you to do your own research. Additionally, I will create a dedicated web page on this subject that I will continue to update as my research continues. Let me know if you would like to know more.


In the past, I have received complaints about the weak WiFi signal in our home, and I decided to stamp those out by purchasing and installing a mesh WiFi system. This type of system incorporates a number of WiFi routers and extenders to ensure total house coverage. Additionally, since I have a YouTube live stream, I signed up for the extra speed package. Just thinking about the elements in my home, I decided to test both the air and the electro-pollution in my home. This blog post centers more exclusively on my research regarding the electro-pollution caused by Electric Fields (EF), Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF), Radio Frequencies (RF) and Dirty Electricity, all of which can combine to disrupt our bodies that mainly function on electrical impulses between our cells and within our cells. While some folks are hypersensitive to high levels of these elements, others may not feel it or sense it, but it shows up in ways that we may not have imagined.

We all love our SMART homes, SMART gadgets and WiFi coverage that allows us to walk around wire-free and take in any content on any number of devices that we please. But all these gadgets, can also serve to create additional electro-pollution. While we may be filling our brain with content, we may also be filling it (and our bodies) with a low form of radiation, which can cause a large number of health issues. over both the short term and certainly in the long term.

Potential Health Issues

The number of health issues is to say the least, very eye-opening, as it contains so many issues, that it is hard to fathom that companies and our government would allow these devices to be used. But, it may be that we are warned, only slightly, in the very fine print of the manuals that come with out phones.

If you have a few years under your belt like I do, you probably recall that growing up, we didn’t have WiFi. Heck, we didn’t have internet! As such, I don’t recall in the distant past hearing about folks having as many issues, like ADD/ADHD, depression, autism, anxiety and many other mental and learning disabilities as we hear of today. Could our exposure over time to this electro-pollution be starting to show up in the age groups who have grown up being inundated with EMF exposure? For us older folks who are high tech, we maybe can slow down our exposure with measured steps as we have already absorbed huge doses or radiation that may have already shortened our lives.

I guess some of us have suspected that carrying a cell phone in one’s pocket or bra over a long period of time may cause issues or even the use of a cell phone against one’s head may not be the best idea of a good health practice. Some human studies have found that even brief exposure to cell phone radiation alters brain activity and can open the blood-brain barrier, which could enable chemical toxins in the circulatory system to penetrate the brain. Do these uses and practices with our cell phones make us less healthy and expose us to a large number of heath issues? I understand that 5G is even on a higher magnitude of harm due to the type of radiation produced. Armed with more knowledge of the potential dangers, let us start being smart in the management of our exposure by taking some precautionary measured steps. Let’s look at some of the health issues noted from continued exposure to electro-pollution:

  • Diabetes

  • Cancer

  • Asthma

  • Heart Palpitations

  • Arrhythmias

  • Itching & burning sensation

  • Numbness & Tingling sensation

  • Infertility

  • Chest pain or pressure

  • Concentration Issues


  • Behavior & learning problems

  • Alzheimer’s,

  • ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)

  • Headaches

  • Sleep Disturbances

  • Leg and Foot Pain

  • Muscle and Joint Pain

  • Fatigue & weakness

  • Sinus problems

  • Digestive Issues

  • Facial flushing

  • Depression

  • Memory Problems

  • Irritability

  • Anxiety

  • Autism

  • Miscarriage

As one can see from the long list of potential health complications that can result from short-term (for hyper sensitive folks) and long-term exposure to this in-home form of radiation. Of particular concern are expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or for newborns and infants. Fetuses, newborns and infants and even school age children who are smaller, are in their developmental stages have thinner skulls where the radiation can more easily penetrate and magnify the adverse affects. In fact in a number of countries, there is pushback against the sudden rush to install 5G towers in or near daycare centers, schools, hospitals or senior living facilities due to the known effects of this type of radiation.

What can I do?

As mentioned above, my research is continuing and I plan on producing a web page or pages to delve deeper into this subject that I can pass along to you. In the meantime, we need to learn more, and as we do, take preventive cautionary steps that can make a difference in preserving not only your health, but the health of your loved ones and those you care about. Help me get the word out! Here are a few steps from my notes:

General Tips:

The way to reduce radiation exposure is to:

  • Create distance from the radiation. Distance reduces the effect of radiation.

  • Reduce your time that you are in close proximity to a source of radiation

  • Identify and reduce or manage radiation sources. Buy yourself a multimeter to measure EF, EMF and RF. Then buy a meter that measures dirty electricity to test outlets and appliances in your home.

  • Ensure that your bedroom has low radiation sources, as you are spending 6-9 hours in this space. Same with office spaces. I installed a router cages for my routers that are in rooms where I spend a lot of time.

  • Think about other rooms that you spend most time in. Measure and reduce radiation there. This could be a den where the family watches TV or a kitchen/dining area where a lot of time is spent.

  • Use router cages for routers and manage dirty electricity with filters.

  • Some experts say that if you don’t have a need to have your phone or tablet on while you sleep, just turn your router off and put your phones and tablets in Airplane mode. You can turn it back on in the morning when needed. Putting your phone in airplane mode, halts the phone from pinging the cell towers thousands of times during the night, which pulses radiation near your head.

  • Avoid standing in front of or near a microwave oven while it is cooking. The wire mesh screen doesn’t block all radiation.

  • If you live near any power lines or cell phone towers, be sure to test radiation levels. Close proximity allow these radiation frequencies to penetrate our homes even more intensely causing health issues.

  • Say “No Thanks” or opt out if given the choice for installation of a “SMART meter” by your utility company as they are a really bad source of radiation and health issues. See the YouTube Documentary: Take Back Your Power 2017 (Official) (https://youtu.be/8ZTiT9ZSg3Q). This documentary also enlightens folks as to the dangers of 5G wireless.

  • The ultimate SMART home would have ethernet plugs all over the house, instead of extensive use of WiFi.

Cell Phone Radiation Management:

  • Limit time on cell phone with phone against your head. It not only has radiation effects but the thermal temp of the phone also has negative effects.

  • Use speakerphone when possible. with phone a foot or more away from your head.

  • Limit time carrying phone close to body.

  • If phone carried close to body, find a case that shields you from the radiation. I found that using a shielding case gives the phone a larger form factor that makes it less comfortable to carry, making me take it out and put it on a table or desk away from me when not using it, reducing my exposure.

  • If you sleep with your phone on a nightstand close to you at night, put the phone in Airplane mode so it won’t produce radiation as it pings its signals connecting to WiFi all night long.

  • If possible, but a small wire mesh basket with a lid that you can put your phone in to reduce radiation.

  • If you let your child use your phone to watch a show or play a game, ensure that the phone is in Airplane mode.

  • Try to train your kids to not use a cell phone against their head. Use speaker phone or air-tube speaker cord. Never let a young child put a phone against their head. Use Airplane mode instead.

Computers and Tablet Radiation Management

  • Use Ethernet connections for computers and turn off the WiFi.

  • Use wired keyboards and mouses.

  • Using a keyboard instead of the laptop keyboard also creates distance from the computer, with reduces EF, EMF and RF radiation.

  • Do not use your laptop computer in your lap, unless you have a laptop/tablet RF/Thermal shielding device. Radiation can cause fertility problems as can can carrying a cell phone in your pocket.

  • It is even better to place the laptop or tablet on a tray as distance is your friend!

  • Tablets and cellphones can also be used on an ethernet connection if one has the right adapters.

  • If you let your child use your tablet to watch a show or play a game, ensure that the phone is in Airplane mode.

Nursery Rooms

  • It is critical if possible to remove any and all forms of radiation from the rooms used for nurseries. As mentioned above, the radiation effect is highly magnified in smaller developing bodies and the brain is less shielded causing more harm.

  • Baby Monitoring systems - Some studies have linked autism in children to high exposure to EMF when the mother was pregnant and the routers close to the nursery. When shopping for these baby surveillance devices. try to find ones with the lowest EMF. Most baby monitors produce EMF when movement is detected. Audio monitors are preferred over video and should even be placed as far from the baby in the room as possible.

  • Also check all outlets and anywhere appliances for dirty electricity which are also sources of radiation.

  • These tips not only apply to nurseries, but to all kids rooms. Best not to house a router in a child’s room or any room where people spend a lot of time.

In Conclusion:

This is just my introduction to the subject. Let me know if you are interested in learning more. As mentioned, I plan to develop a number of web pages dedicated to this topic to hopefully help enlighten others as to the issue and what they can do to protect their own health. Here is the first page which compliments this blog: Health and Fitness. Stay tuned and look for the web pages on this site!

Ken Little

As a lifetime student, each day brings new opportunities to engage in learning and sharing what I learn. My website and companion YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/c/kenlittle) use the mantra “Explore, Observe, Learn & Share.” Come join in and say hello and contribute comments to the Blogs! Thanks for stopping by and God bless you and yours!


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